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How to migrate to Europe legally


Europe Is Waiting For You!

Top Ways to Migrate to Europe Legally

We all dream to make a new life abroad. Don’t we? The idea of a new life overseas is just mesmerizing! The thrills we associate to familiarize ourselves with a different culture, discover new places, friendships and experiencing a world of endless possibilities, make us desire the life of an expat.

Migrants love Europe more than anyplace else. Do you know why? As a result, an overwhelming majority of migrants runs the risk of choosing the illegal routes to travel to Europe. However, we’ll give you all the information to make the transition as smooth as possible, without risking lives on perilous journeys. Here’re few legal ways to migrate safely to Europe.

Now before you start, what category do you fit in the most? Well, let’s find out!

1.No one-size-fits-all approach

Legal migrants before embarking on starting a new life in Europe, have to apply for their visas. One such category is a work visa. With high demand, work visas are generally granted to highly skilled workers to fill desperate shortages. Doctors, nurses, IT experts and finance executives are some of them. Cedefop, an acronym for the European Centre for the Development of Vocational training helps to develop and implement EU vocational training policies. While many governments take language skills as a prime concern, many others prefer immigrants with functional skills and look for a particular set of skills to fill specific staff shortages.

  1. Training to qualify for visas

This category is for skilled migrants with a job offer and a particular set of minimum income, known as the EU’s “Blue Card” program, where the immigrant should fulfill these conditions before applying for a visa. Certain occupations demand migrants to take up training and new qualifications, to be eligible for a work visa, especially in a matter of years. Legal ways of immigration are also subject to several means, like academics, for those who succeed in landing a work visa need to prove before starting a new life abroad.

3.Academia: Opportunities for students, lecturers, researchers and professors

Now the next option is to migrate to Europe as a student. Though it sounds easy, opportunities to earn sufficient income while studying at a German university are severely limited, unless and until the student is proficient in receiving a scholarship by excellence.

Studying in Germany is one of the best to choose from other options. The student who qualifies for a fast-tracked system will be granted permanent residency within two years of completing their graduation successfully. Sounds interesting, right!

4.Start-ups and new businesses

Have you decided to start a new business in Europe? This category is exclusively for those looking to make business startups in Europe. Company startup costs involved in this option makes this not accessible to everyone. After those initial hardships, running a successful business may allow you permanent residency in the country.

  1. Long-term prospects

The EU’s regulation varies widely from one country to another. However, in general, an immigrant with a work visa will eventually qualify for permanent residence in a certain number of years. Germany grants five consecutive years on a work visa, which could later lead to citizenship in the country.

All EU visas, support and encourage family reunions, that follow their own sets of rules and regulations. Language skills are a primary requirement in all these cases, to overcome barriers and receive the certificate of eligibility to migrate.

So here we brought you all necessary legal requirements for permanent residency in Europe.

Open your heart and listen -Europe is waiting for you! Are you ready to fly? See you there!